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Nov. 5 2012
There were 45 teams that competed in three dairy judging contests held on November 4, 2012, at the North American International Livestock Show in Louisville, Ky
Nov. 2 2012
Family Dairies USA, Madison, Wis., the Manitowoc Milk Producers Cooperative, Manitowoc, Wis., and Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Producers, Brookfield, Wis., formally announced that they would begin member...
Oct. 30 2012
Securing Dairy's Future, the joint annual meeting of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk Producers' Federation (NMPF) and the United Dairy Industry Association, kicked off...
Oct. 29 2012
The October 25, 2012, editorial, "Hormones could become part of nutrient plans," on page 690, requires a response
Oct. 26 2012
Everyone dies eventually. But when a milk producer passes away it can also mean the end of the dairy, its jobs and family traditions unless some fairly straightforward legal planning has been done to prevent...
Oct. 18 2012
Water, according to David Beede, with the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University, is the most essential nutrient for cows
Oct. 4 2012
Abelardo Martinez was recognized as World Dairy Expo International Person of the Year last night at Dinner with the Stars. President of World Dairy Expo, Mike Holschbach, welcomes the crowd Four recipients...
Sept. 4 2012
Holstein Association USA classifier Willis Gunst recently attended a twilight meeting in Wisconsin to share the new classification changes with Holstein breeders and to answer questions they have on the...
Aug. 28 2012
Time is fading quickly if you want to land a contract for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) insurance for dairy cattle. This Friday, August 31, approximately $2.5 million will be released as part of the final...
July 31 2012
Last fall the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) updated their showmanship scorecard. The committee felt the scorecard should more accurately reflect how showmanship is evaluated. They removed the...
July 18 2012
Clayton Yeutter, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Trade Representative (USTR), opened Monday's "Is this farm boom different?" at the Kansas City Federal Reserve by answering the event's main question
July 17 2012
With advancing technologies, how many (other than producers) have seen a working modern farm? The red barn, white fence and silo are not commonplace anymore. Thousands of guests, both rural and urban,...
May 8 2012
After over two years of discussion, industry leaders have begun to publicly share draft documents which could one day guide U.S. genetic evaluations. The first document, known as the Cooperative Agreement,...
April 25 2012
Confirmation reached the Hoard's Dairyman offices that a BSE case had been found in a California dairy cow shortly after 2 p.m. Central time yesterday. Thoughts of "the Christmas surprise" of 2003 (the...
April 17 2012
Share the safety aspect of your operation to promote prevention by Hoard's Dairyman staff While the warm weather brings a smile to our face, it can be a time of danger. Animal projects for the summer fairs...
April 3 2012
Four teams take First Place honors in Roanoke, Va. For another year, the tension has ended and the 2012 Dairy Challenge Platinum teams have been crowned. Spanning 32 universities from across the U.S. and...
Feb. 9 2012
With a smaller-than-anticipated corn crop, how do we balance domestic, global, and industry needs for corn? The first ethanol-run vehicle was developed in Philadelphia in 1826. Therefore, we would not...
Zuppan quadruplets.JPG
Jan. 11 2012
The birth of healthy twin heifer calves with a healthy mother cow is a gift on any dairy farm. Multiply that by two, and what do you get? 179,200,000. A normal day at Zuppan Dairy, Orland, Calif., includes...
Nov. 30 2011
College can be expensive and preparing for this large investment begins long before you pay your first semester tuition. Many agricultural businesses and organizations provide scholarships to deserving...
Nov. 14 2011
At World Dairy Expo, Steve Larson wears many hats, with his professional responsibilities, volunteer tasks, and as an honoree. As the managing editor at Hoard's Dairyman, his schedule was full with meetings...